What is the Best Way to Rehome Pit Bull?
If you’re considering rehoming your Pit Bull, start here.
If you’re considering rehoming your Pit Bull, start here.
by Kelly Villa, | January 8, 2024
If you have to give up your pet, you’ll have several options, but the question remains: “What is the best way to rehome a Pit Bull?” While surrendering them to a shelter might result in them getting a good home, the best way to ensure their happiness is to rehome them yourself. Take advantage of helpful resources, such as those on Rehome by Adopt-a-Pet, and find a perfect fit for you Pit Bull.
You might be wondering how long it will take and how time consuming the process will be if you try to rehome the dog on your own. The truth is that finding the right home may take some time, but your pet deserves a good home — and you deserve the peace of mind you’ll have knowing they’re safe and loved.
Here are a few things to keep in mind as you begin looking for a new home for your Pit Bull:
• Charge a Rehoming Fee: While it’s hard for animal lovers to think about, there are some bad people out there. Charging a rehoming fee greatly reduces the chances of your Pit Bull ending up with one of them.
• Check Their Vet References: They say the best predictor of future behavior is past behavior, so check those vet references.
• Keep Your Dog’s Personality in Mind: Does your dog play rough? Find a home with no small kids. Does your dog terrorize cats? Make sure you find a home that is feline free. It’s also important to find a home that matches your dog’s energy level. I.E. Finding a new pet parent who wants a running partner for a high energy dog.
If you’re like most pet owners, you’ll need all the help you can get, so make the most of all the tools on the Rehome website including the ability to create a pet profile, accept applications from potential adopters, and more.
Kelly Villa is a freelance writer and contributor to various pet publications.
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If you’re considering finding a new home for a pet, check out Rehome. It’s Adopt a Pet’s safe, simple program that lets people safely rehome a pet.