Petey is our outgoing fun-loving beagle mix. He is brown and white and weighs about 20 pounds. He is just 2 years old and very energetic and playful. Petey is up to date on his shots, neutered, and microchipped. He is heartworm negative and on heartworm prevention. His sister, Mia, is black and white and also available for adoption. Mia has a quieter personality but still friendly and sweet. Both Petey and Mia are affectionate and loving and they both like to be held. Petey is so smart that he has learned to climb fences! He would surely make a great addition to any family.
This pet comes with an implanted 24PetWatch microchip and free registration into the 24PetWatch pet recovery service.
For only $1, this pet also comes with 30 days of pet health insurance. For more information please visit or call 1-866-375-PETS.
October 27, 2024, 9:28 pm