Posted 1 month ago | Updated 1 month ago
Bear is almost 5 years old, he is a 7lb lap loving guy. He is an indoor dog who is used to lounging around the house most days. He has experience with infants and kids. He is free fed. He reacts well to the vibrating bark collar. He was raised around 4 other dogs (2 Great Danes, a rescue mut and a wiener dog). He takes time to warm up the puppies or dogs with high energy. But he is used to playing with dogs of all sizes once he is acclemated. He is extremely low maintenance he just likes being around people. He is an avid fetcher so if you give him a ball or toy inside he will pester you to keep throwing it without end. If there are no toys around he will sleep most of the day. Unfortunately I am in a situation where I have to relocate and travel constantly to support my partner who is waiting for an organ transplant and I cannot bring bear with me logistically. It breaks my heart but I don’t have another choice.