Lucy is approx 6.5 yrs old and 28#. As you can see, she's a beautiful brindle. She's as sweet as she is cute. It sounds like all 6 of her years were spent having litter after litter of puppies and all she wants is a pack of her own! She is not potty trained. I guess 6 years of "going" wherever is convenient is a hard habit to break. I know if she had a fenced yard, she'd catch on quick. I should mention she has not mastered stairs. One or two steps is fine, but she's not very sure of herself going up or down.
Interested in adopting this lovable animal? Please go to our website and fill out an Adoption Application. Once the application is processed, a Wags representative will contact you, answer any questions you may have, and set up a time/location for a meet and greet! A home visit is required prior to adoption.
Thank you for choosing to adopt!
Breed and temperament determination: Wags & Whiskers Animal Rescue attempts to determine breed and temperament using a combination of looks, information provided to us at intake, and our experience with the animal while in our Rescue. We do not guarantee this determination.
Lucy is approx 6.5 yrs old and 28#. As you can see, she's a beautiful brindle. She's as sweet as she is cute. It sounds like all 6 of her years were spent having litter after litter of puppies and all she wants is a pack of her own! She is not potty trained. I guess 6 years of "going" wherever is convenient is a hard habit to break. I know if she had a fenced yard, she'd catch on quick. I should mention she has not mastered stairs. One or two steps is fine, but she's not very sure of herself going up or down.
Interested in adopting this lovable animal? Please go to our website and fill out an Adoption Application. Once the application is processed, a Wags representative will contact you, answer any questions you may have, and set up a time/location for a meet and greet! A home visit is required prior to adoption.
Thank you for choosing to adopt!
Breed and temperament determination: Wags & Whiskers Animal Rescue attempts to determine breed and temperament using a combination of looks, information provided to us at intake, and our experience with the animal while in our Rescue. We do not guarantee this determination.