(when grown) Small 25 lbs (11 kg) or less
Good with kids,
Good with dogs,
Good with cats,
Spayed or Neutered,
Shots are up-to-date,
We have a transport where we will be personally taking our dogs home leaving on 1/11/25 to NorCal and OR. Surrounding states will be added to our route if needed ☺️ We would love to add Molly to our trip for the right home 💕
Meet our beautiful Molly. She turns 1 on March 5th of 2025. She is a Poodle/Maltese mix. She weighs 11 lbs. Yes, she is full grown and at a very healthy weight. She is leggy, and at a great size if you are looking for a girl that can get around without your help but still small enough yo lay in your lap and snuggle then she is definitely your girl ❤️
She is set to be spayed on 1/7/24 and will officially be available for adoption soon after. She will be current on all vaccines, microchipped, thourely examined by our vet, and cleared prior to adoption.
She is house trained, and goes very well with going outside throughout the day to potty when asked to. She is very smart, and has learned to communicate with us when she needs to go out inbetween when we take her out ourselves.
She is crate trained, and currently sleeps in her crate at night. She is highly adaptable and if you would like her in your room on a dog bed all her own, or in bed with you I'm certain she would love either option.
She is leash trained, and absolutely loves her walks with you! She is very social and a very happy girl. She loves meeting new people and exploring the world any chance she gets even if it's just around the block to say hello to the neighbors 😊
She is phenomenal at our groomers, and loves her spa days ❤️ Bath time at home is great too, as she loves getting one on one attention and affection and loves being called beautiful at the end of it all. She soaks up all of it ☺️
She is phenomenal with other dogs, and cats alike. She is very sweet natured, loving, caring, and just an absolutely GREAT friend to all animals. She loves people and is always very engaged from the moment she meets anyone. Her tail doesn't stop wagging and she always greets everyone with love 💕
She is getting used to road trips, as she gets a little anxious in the car, but once she is in your lap, and has the air on her she settles. We would highly reccomend a booster car seat for her so she is elevated and able to see out the window, all while she is aligned with the air vents to keep her happy and content. She isn't hard to please whatsoever, and has just realized what works for her!
She is not a barker at all!! She is very quiet, and has a very relaxed and calm personality. She loves to be in your lap, carried, and snuggled. She is also very independent outside of her humans and will happily play with her toys, or other dog friends near by if you are busy tending to other things. She is not high maintenance and really enjoys just being a part of your world however she can 😊
Her prior owner was very young, and decided to go back to school which would leave her with little to no time to care for Molly between class, studying, and work. She loved her a lot, and didn't want to say goodbye but knew that the road ahead was going to limit her time and she didn't want Molly growing up alone, as she was so used to having her around so she reached out to us to take her in and find her the home she deserved ❤️❤️
Her adoption fee is on our website at the bottom of her adoption listing at
It covers her spay, vaccines, microchip/registration, exam with our vet, along with the care involved in the time she has been with us, her grooming costs, and the training we have personally done with her. If anything in addition to her spay is needed such as a dental cleaning then her adoption fee will be adjusted to help cover those costs.