Meet beautiful Mia. She is said to be a shepherd mix. Mia is 11 months old. She is friends with dogs of all sizes. Mia loves people. She loves to run around in the yard and go for walks. She loves toys and snuggles. Mia is housetrained, walks good on a leash. She is Microchipped , up to date on vaccine and spayed. Mia's adoption fee is $350 with a refundable training deposit of $100 due at the time of adoption. The training must be provided within a timely fashion to ensure our pups become the best canine citizens. The training deposit will be refunded within 3 months of adoption date.
All Second Chance Dog Rescue dogs are spayed/neutered, are up to date on vaccines and have microchips prior to adoption. Adoption fees vary depending on age of dog. Fees help Second Chance Dog Rescue cover spay/neuter costs, vaccinations, medical treatments, food and supplies. Please go to and complete an application today! All dogs live in private foster homes until they are adopted.
Meet beautiful Mia. She is said to be a shepherd mix. Mia is 11 months old. She is friends with dogs of all sizes. Mia loves people. She loves to run around in the yard and go for walks. She loves toys and snuggles. Mia is housetrained, walks good on a leash. She is Microchipped , up to date on vaccine and spayed. Mia's adoption fee is $350 with a refundable training deposit of $100 due at the time of adoption. The training must be provided within a timely fashion to ensure our pups become the best canine citizens. The training deposit will be refunded within 3 months of adoption date.
All Second Chance Dog Rescue dogs are spayed/neutered, are up to date on vaccines and have microchips prior to adoption. Adoption fees vary depending on age of dog. Fees help Second Chance Dog Rescue cover spay/neuter costs, vaccinations, medical treatments, food and supplies. Please go to and complete an application today! All dogs live in private foster homes until they are adopted.